Dota 2 - Shady Mod

Posts written by Crystal Rylai

  1. .
    directory have been changed from "root\resource\flash3\images\spellicons" to "root\panorama\images\spellicons" also format have been changed form "png" to "vtex" so would be hard to know which icon you want to replace but i assume you want the Dark Artistry set icons, so you need to navigate to "root\panorama\images\spellicons\invoker\dark_artistry" and extract both of the vtex_c and rename them to invoker_deafening_blast_png.vtex_c and invoker_tornado_png.vtex_c and put them into "root\panorama\images\spellicons" :) hope that helps , if you have any further questions let me know
  2. .

    DotA Nevermore Legacy

    NOTE: Turn off in game "Additive Light Pass" via video settings


  3. .
    "type" "activity"
    "asset" "ALL"
    "modifier" "ftp_dendi_back"

    Keep in mind the format in item_text.txt, you wont be able to directly copypaste it from here . sorry for the late reply havent been as active :)
  4. .
    you mean like s2dc [-d < input path> ] [-o < output path > ] < input(s) > but this is only for vtex, vmat, vpcf, there is no way to de-compile vmdl's
  5. .
    Glad it help :) i tough i mess up items_game.txt at first when my game start validating :D and thanks but i will stick with winmerge, altho the only issue im having was copying multiple lines at once, but I didn't like the alternatives and it's not big of a deal just more clicking :)
  6. .
    yes my folder is simply called mods from back in the days when i first started :D what is that merging program you using btw, also when you post image can you attach the url as well so it will show the original size :P [URL=][IMG=][/IMG][/URL]

    oh i see that's winmerge :D good choice :P

    you dont have to space it with "TABS" just one space like so:

    my mods folder name is Reborn_mods so is this ok with that ? it doesnt look like to me ..


    Edited by Crystal Rylai - 6/10/2018, 06:11 PM
  7. .
    I miss-understood your question sorry about that, was thinking of decompiling the vmdl_c which is yet not possible but you can extract all vmdl _c component

    1) Is there an application that can extract the informations of a .vmdl_c file?
    -eg. ~~~~.vmdl_c file has ~~~~~.vmat_c, ~~~~1.vmat_c, ~~~~2.vmat_c,~~~~.vgarp_c.... ect


    2)is there an “command line”(cmd like hlextract) application that I can use against .vmesh files and .vmdl files?

    with GCFScape you can extract everything vmesh vmat vtex vmdl vpcf etc but there is no de-compiler yet, it was possible only in source1.

    3) tried opening Golden shards of exile.vmdl_c using a text editor. And yeah, I see those .vmat and .vgarp that is used by that model file, just obfuscated because of compression. Thats a Good Idea to start some methods. Just one prob, does model compression have dynamic algorithm where the informations seen using a textpad will be scrambled?

    it's dynamic algorithm, i tried to change pathern in the past , but didnt go well :P source2 is hard to decode, but still can open it with notpad just to get the information needed
  8. .
    i see, the only way to do them is individually for each item that have multiple materials , which indeed can literally take forever, especially with the new content releases and the vmdl files :P the only thing i can think of is checking items_game if the model contain "skin" "1" (if yes) then extract and open the vmdl_c file and check the amount of ".vmat" in the first lines

    models/items/obsidian_destroyer/immortal_weapon_1/asset_sequences_7a40018b.vagrp materials/models/items/obsidian_destroyer/immortal_weapon_1/immortal_weapon_1_color.vmat materials/models/items/obsidian_destroyer/immortal_weapon_1/immortal_weapon_1_golden_color.vmat

    if skin= 1 find the second .vmat in the file and copy path, extract and replace with first .vmat name found. But it's way easy said than done :P
  9. .
    Hello, there was a change of dont panic everything works fine :P

    location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\" and add those lines like before

    click to zoom

  10. .
    hello again :)

    Materials cant be changed by items_game.txt i know what you mean :)

    "skip_model_combine" "1"
    "skin" "1"

    should be done the same way as it is with vmdl's, get file and rename it to the original file name that :) If you can do that, which i don't doubt you can, it will be fixed :P Cheers!

    I wonder if the same fix will apply for OD's golden immortal.
    Just tried moving the skip_model_combine line before the asset modifiers but didn't seems to work for mine.


    you don't have to, Golden mantle uses different model with different texture , OD uses same model but have two texture golden and normal one, so you need to replace the texture of OD staff which is the case for most items than have multiple color styles. With CFGScape extract materials/models/items/obsidian_destroyer/immortal_weapon1_golden_color.vmat_c and place it in your VPKcreator folder with the same directory path "materials/models/items/obsidian_destroyer/" and rename the file to immortal_weapon1_color.vmat_c :)
  11. .
    In the past, I used notepad++ and created my own regex match algorithm to migrate all my items_game.txt. But since it does not met my complete bindings, like automation of models extraction. Thats why Its good for me to create my own automation that will
    Make anything instant.

    i was trying to make similar to that as well, creating a macro or tough about using ahk for it but didnt seems to go as i planned so i end up using winmerge , also generate a back up file which is nice, problem is it cant transfer multiply lines at once or from line A to line B that's why i was looking for alternative :) As the dota2 mod master i will recommended to my friend and see how it goes.

    from curiosity what do you mean by "still does not support generating .vmesh files" custom models uses .vmesh which the vmdl's are compiled from, and in your first video i can see custom models works just fine :D
  12. .
    he just forget about applying the mods, or removed them previously, and then in middle of the the game he be like "let me try use a arcana mod" quits the game and apply the mods but when he reconnects nothing happen , but there is no error what so ever, just the mods doesnt apply if he is already in a game, I think we talk about different softwere tho, this issue is with dota 2 mods "" not the one you just presented :D by reading your first post, a lot of those floods are prevented from happening :)

    I forgot to mention one feature you might have asking for:

    "Migration System" - is a Technique specially supported by this tool which allows the user to easily migrate all "default_item" assets of his/her old "items_game.txt" into the new "items_game.txt"(commonly targeted on newer patches of DOTA2). what this system do is:

    1)It copies every single item that has "prefab=default_item"
    2)Analyze every single item's "Unique ID" and remembers it
    3)Scans for "default_item" occurence on the "new items_game.txt" and compares both "old items_game.txt VS. new items_game.txt" using "ID assets comparement method".
    4)If the assets of both "old ID"(from old items_game.txt) assets does not pair the "new ID"(from new items_game.txt) assets, that is where the migration will start. It will inject the "old ID assets" inside the "new ID assets",in other words "Copy the old assets then replace all new assets by paste ".

    It simply finds any items with "prefab"="default item" and replaces its counterpart on the new items_game.txt

    at your old items_game.txt which you want to migrate into a newer items_game.txt that is fresh:

    that's exactly what i was looking for, currently using WinMerge to migrate my old items_game.txt to a new one :P
  13. .
    didnt work while in picking phase

    What do you mean about picking phase? Is it picking a hero In normal/ranked game? I dont see any problems about the picking phase, but you may define them if I missed it.

    what i meant , is my friend would forgot to install the mods before hand, so in picking phase he would choose a hero and quit the game trying to apply the mods but it doest work :)

    Clarification, there is still no “automatic updating of mods” thing existed for now which you will just sit and watch and let dota2 mod master automatically generate a mod when he predicts that it is needed(Ive never imagine an AI tool that smart though, Maybe when I reversed engineered the whole dota 2 I guess? xD)

    you reversed engineered the whole dota2 ? holy crap :D ok this what i had in mind, when i was into HoN there was HoNmanager,and there was a hero.entity files, a text found that you change similar to items_game, this may give you an idea :) So first is needs to say im not into engineering not even close to it, but i understood how the software is programmed so bare with me :P It will take a fresh extracted items_game and do a simple (find and replace)

    <editfile name="heroes/prisoner/hero.entity"> the file which the software edit for dota would be items_game.txt

    <![CDATA[model="model.mdf"]]> in this case the number of the item or name of the item ex.

    "47" "name" "Pudge's Rusty Meathook"

    then search again <-pointing the item which is set up for the next step, changing particles. since this line
    is used for all the pudge items, by searching for "used_by_heroes"{"npc_dota_hero_pudge" "1"} " it will find the first one after ""47" "name" "Pudge's Rusty Meathook""

    "npc_dota_hero_pudge" "1"


    and then we have the replace

    <![CDATA[model="alt4/model.mdf"]]> in this case

    "npc_dota_hero_pudge" "1"
    "skip_model_combine" "1"
    "type" "particle_create"
    "modifier" "particles/custom/items/pudge/pudge_ti6_immortal/pudge_ti6_witness_ambient.vpcf"
    "type" "particle"
    "asset" "particles/units/heroes/hero_pudge/pudge_meathook.vpcf"
    "modifier" "particles/econ/items/pudge/pudge_ti6_immortal/pudge_ti6_witness_meathook.vpcf"
    "type" "particle"
    "asset" "particles/units/heroes/hero_pudge/pudge_meathook_impact.vpcf"
    "modifier" "particles/econ/items/pudge/pudge_ti6_immortal/pudge_meathook_witness_impact_ti6.vpcf"
    "type" "ability_icon"
    "asset" "pudge_meat_hook"
    "modifier" "pudge/immortal/pudge_meat_hook"

    <editfile name="heroes/prisoner/hero.entity">

    that was the general structure :) and as i mention it will do it for each item and edit the new items_game.txt .

    That's all :P Thanks again for sharing , i may try the custom / personal items_games.txt future Cheers!

    Edited by Crystal Rylai - 6/9/2018, 12:21 PM
  14. .
    i read you :) just saying for the custom mods, other wise looks like solid software , I prefer old fashion way, but friend of mine used dota2 mod and the problem he had with it, is that he have to quite before every game and apply the mods, didnt work while in picking phase, but biggest one is that when a new patch comes out, he need to wait to for the updated items_games, but this software like you pointed out have the "automatic extraction of “items_game.txt" which is great :) Thanks for sharing! Have a question , can I use my personal items_game.txt and use the software ONLY for automatic updating my own mods rather than doing them manually
  15. .
    well that's cool and all but the rest of the comsetics appearing on top of the models is not looking well, creators of this software should make it so the custom models re-place all the cosmetics that the hero have in order the work properly, which aslo mean constant updating when a new set or item comes out ^^
172 replies since 3/5/2016